Tuesday 20 August 2013

MCQs os..cn..st

[1 ] With a Single resource, deadlock occurs
A. If there are more than two processes competing for that resource
B. If there are only two processes competing for that resource
C. If there is a single process competing for that resource
D. None of these

[2]A state is safe if the system can allocate resources to each process(up to its maximum)
in some order and still avoid deadlock. Then
A. Deadlocked state is unsafe
B. Unsafe state may lead to a deadlock situation
C. Deadlocked state is a subset of unsafe state
D. All of these

[3] A Computer system has 6 tape drives, with ‘n’ processes competing for them. Each process may need 3 tape
drives. The maximum value of ‘n’ for which the system is guaranteed to be deadlock free is
A.4  B.3  C.2  D.1

[4] ‘m’ processes share ‘n’ resources of the same type. The maximum need of each process
doesn’t exceed ‘n’ and the sum all their maximum needs is always less than m+n In this set up
A.Deadlock can never occur
B.Deadlock may occur
C.Deadlock has to occur
D.None of these

[5] Consider a system having ‘m’ resources of the same type. These resources are shared by 3 processes A,B,C which have peak time demands of 3,4,6 respectively .The minimum value of ‘m’ that ensures deadlock will never occur is
A.11  B.12  C.13  D.14 

[1] The amount of uncertainty in a system of symbol is called

[2] The Topology with highest reliability is
A.Bus topology
B.Star topology
C.Ring topology
D.Mesh topology

[3] In which topology, if there are n devices in a network, each device has n-1 ports for cables?

[4] IP address can be used to specify a broadcast and map to hardware broadcast if available. By conversion broadcast address has hosted with all bits
C.Both(A) and (B)
D.None of these

[5] ARP (Address resolution protocol) is
A.A TCP/IP protocol used to dynamically bind a high level IP address to a low level Physical hardware address
B.A TCP/IP high level protocols for transferring files from one machine to another
C.A protocol used to monitor computers
D.A protocol that handles error and control messages

[1] Testing is best done
A.By an independent test team
B.By the programmer
C.By the designer
D.By the analyst

[2] Fasi wants to test his module where he had forgotten to initialize x
IF x=0 then
End if;
A.The tests he generates may give non-repeatable results
B.The tests will always given repeatable results
C.He will find the bug for all runs of the program
D.None of the above

[3] Neil wants to test the following program by generating random test values for x and y.
The error in the program is z=22 should be there
if(x==y) then
end if
A.Random testing is insufficient as the bug may-never by detected
B.Random testing will always find the bug
C.Random testing always generates equal values of x and y
D.None of the above

[4] Consider two modules A and B, both utility programs in the same organization developed by the same team of
programmers, where a and b are sizes, respectively. The cost to develop each module is Ca and Cb. The efforts are Ea and Eb. If Ca>Cb then
A.Ea > Eb
B.Ea < Eb
C.Ea = Eb
D.Eq and Eb are incomparable

[5]This type of testing method attempts to find incorrect or missing functions, errors in data structures or
external database access, interface errors, performance errors and initialization and Termination errors. It is called as
A.White Box Testing
B.Grey Box Testing
C.Black Box Testing
D.Open Box Testing

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