Wednesday 14 June 2017

Write a bash script which remove the instance from ECS cluster and chef server

!/bin/bash /usr/bin/knife node delete -y -c /root/.chef/knife.rb <%= node['fqdn']%> /usr/bin/knife client delete -y -c /root/.chef/knife.rb <%= node['fqdn']%> containeruuid=($(aws ecs --region <region_name> list-container-instances --cluster <%= default['recipe_name']['cluster']%> --output text|cut -d '/' -f2)) myinstance=$(wget -q -O- for myuuid in "${containeruuid[@]}" do ecsinstance=$(aws ecs describe-container-instances --cluster <%= default['recipe_name']['cluster']%> --container-instances $myuuid --output text --query containerInstances[].ec2InstanceId|cut -d: -f2) if [[ $ecsinstance = $myinstance ]] then aws ecs deregister-container-instance --cluster <%= default['recipe_name']['cluster']%> --container-instance ${containeruuid} --force exit else echo "Instance does not match inside the ecs cluster" fi done

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